Start Living on Purpose
Counseling for Individuals, Couples,
and Parents in Conejo Valley, CA
“You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness.”
– Brene Brown
You are worthy of greatness.
Well, you are!
Let’s try something real quick. Take a look in the mirror. Who do you see?
Do you like the reflection of the person looking back at you? Can you tell that person, “I like you!” How about “I love you”?
A little tough, huh? I get it. Sometimes the person looking back at us is not (yet) who we truly want to be.
But! I wholeheartedly believe that the best you is in there. We might just have to dig a little.

Be the author of your life story.
Owning your unique story is the bravest thing you can do.
Take the control back.
Intentionally writing your chapters with authenticity and purpose will make you realize that there is confidence, happiness, acceptance, love, and peace in the driver’s seat.
Are you the protagonist and antagonist?
You are the main character in your story. You’re the boss, the leading lady or man, the head honcho.
The role of antagonist was given to that voice that dwells in the prime real estate of your mind.
Sometimes the voice offers a nice affirmation, but typically the default phrase is something like, “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t belong here.”
This internal narrator is self-sabotaging.
Time to get things in check!

“ This is not how my story will end. ”
Plot twist! Your story has a new ending. You just have to create it!
Therapy is a process that leads you on the journey of a deeper understanding of you. The destination is increased understanding and acceptance. A life filled with joy and meaning. A life that reflects the best version of yourself!
Now let’s sit down together with a cup of coffee or tea and discover what’s next!
I’ve got you.
I took a sneak peek, and I’m in your next chapter.
The work we do together in therapy will transform your narrative and leave you with an ending that you are proud of.
Individuals and couples can wait too long to reach out for help.
When that happens, it can feel like you are in too deep and nothing you do will be enough.
But that is NOT true!
I will help you realize that this is only a chapter of your life; it is not the whole story. With awareness and a willingness to change old habits, it’s time to turn off auto-pilot. The life you want is just around the corner.
Let me show you.